Monday, March 28, 2011

Travels with Dan Perrine: "So let it be written, so let it be done."

First leg:
As I sit in the LAX airport, I am reflecting on the blessings of the day:
My dear wife went way beyond responsibility to love this morning as she retrieved the new computer from FedX at 6:00 a.m. after dropping me off at the Redding airport. I had sat in the FedX parking lot from 4:45 to 5:30 after being told they would open at 5:00 a.m. It turns out that on Mondays they don't open until 6:00. I gave up and hurried to the airport to catch my flight at 7:10. Myra, however was sure God intended for me to have that computer so I could communicate with her and friends about my trip, so she got it at 6:00 sharp with the help of a friendly FedX manager and watchman, then got it to me at the airport as I was going through security with the help of a TSA agent who went out to the driveway to retrieve the package from Myra. Wow! Then a very nice flight attendant let me carry the box on board and open it to configure the computer while in transit. She even took the box and packing material to recycle with the other trash of the plane. So, computer in hand, I post another blog telling of God's blessings through Myra and others.
Upon checking in with British Airways, another blessing came my way. The attendant moved me to an open seat with plenty of leg room (no seat in front of me by an exit). Amen to that. Maybe I will get some sleep.
It is wonderful to sense God before, God behind, God at my side, and God above.
Next post, jolly Heathrow.

Travels with Dan Perrine: "So let it be written, so let it be done.": "The ministry of ALI takes a big step forward as I leave for Uganda and Kenya March 28th. After 7 months of painstakingly slow development ..."

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